often times the seemingly mundane can provide a great deal of insight


Christmas In Costa Rica

Dear Loved Ones,

I am back from our time in Bocas Del Toro, and it was a great time of preparation and ministry. We worked with the new YWAM base on Isla Bastimentos and were actually their first team to come through. In a way we were the guinea pigs. The base has a great location and is surrounded by many different areas with needs to match. We connected with some other missionaries while we were there, it is crazy to see how God is starting to move in that place. Things are honestly just beginning there. Much of our time was spent creating and learning different programs for minstry presentations, drama, dance, etc. We also had a time of growing as a team and praying about Africa. We worked with the Ngobe Tribe and were able to have a childrens ministry where we shared the gospel with the kids through songs, dancing, dramas, and sharing. we also just had a ton of fun with them. It is a foreign thing to have adults invest this kind of time and attention to the Ngobe kids and it was just one way we were able to share Gods love with them. We also were able to give a church service for the Ngobe people and Sunday school for their children. This whole area is very intriguing as it brings in many backpackers, soul-searchers,surfers, and rastafaris. I am praying about the possibility of future ministry there. There is a lot of work that could be done in a place like that, much pioneering. Right now I know my ministry and commitment is to the DTS students and completing this outreach. God will direct me from there. Being out here like this and away from the typical "Christmas" has allowed me to have a new focus on why we celebrate. This is the celebration of our King entering the world and preparing to give us the gift of salvation. This is the celebration of the beginning of a revolution that brought us from darkness to the light of God. This is why we celebrate. So... Merry Christmas. May this be a time to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Blessings to all of you, and thank you for your love and support.



  1. Merry Christmas. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Cuidate, amigo mio.
    Filipenses 1:9-11
    Esto es lo que pido en oracion: que el amor de ustedes abunde cada vez mas en conocimiento y en buen juicio, para que disciernan lo que es mejor, y sean puros e irreprochables para el dia de Cristo, llenos del fruto de justicia que se produce por medio de Jesucristo, para gloria y alabanza de Dios.

  2. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Merry Christmas Drew!
    May God continue to use and guide you as you reach out to His children.
    You are always in my prayers.
