often times the seemingly mundane can provide a great deal of insight



Dear Loved Ones,

Below is a short video that I put together that shows a bit about the new ministry that is being started in Panama. It is a much needed ministry in the inner-city. About ten minutes away from what is now considered Panama City is the old, run-down, forgotten, and hurting area known as Casco Viejo. Ten minutes away. This new ministry needs a lot of help, and if you are interested in helping let me know and I can connect you with the right people. If nothing else, I hope this video urges you to consider what is ten minutes away from you, and what you are responsible for based on what you believe. Happy Easter. May we live out faith as Christ has called us to.



  1. hey man siccck vid, looks like that cam is coming in handy! mad props.com haha hope all is well. i leave for africa in 9 days, your guitar and sunglasses are still at the base as well as your frog shower cap.

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Drew! B-E-A-Utiful! I need to learn how to make videos. It was really great to see you again in the video. God bless you my friend and keep spreading the Kingdom!!!

  3. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Oh that last comment was me...Becky! (aka anonymous!)
