I saw that this was an unfinished blog of mine from May of this year.. So I am going to attempt to pick up where it left off....wish me well.
Somehow we manage to make this concept a reality. I think that we tend to over think things quite often, leaving us with nothing more but a set of plotted out statistics. I have been reading book in which the author confesses his addiction to purchasing books, a good number of them on the topic of simplifying life. He has come to realize that the more he has learned about methods and philosophies of simplification, the more complicated the pursuit of it has become.
So, why is it that we find ourselves making a mess out of something that should be natural? Of course this is only the case with abstract ideas, it is not as though we do actually do this in the real world. ( he said with mild sarcasm ) I think in that last thought progression there was a seed of truth that might explain the concept of complicated simplicity. I realize that the more I talk about this and begin criticizing it, the more hypocritical this entry becomes, so I better hurry up.
I think the seed of reality is that we have a deep desire for something authentic. We have realized though that it is much easier to produce something that looks authentic than to actually go through the sacrificially exposing work of being something authentic. Simplicity is one of those things. It looks and sounds good, but the natural evolution of a simplistic lifestyle comes at a great cost. It is much easier to; do these three things, or read that book, or dress this way, and appear to have a simplistic lifestyle than it is to actually search deep within and manifest a simple and peaceful beauty in our everyday lives.
This is not to say that advice from others or studying from peoples experiences is not helpful. It is helpful, as a matter of fact, I would say that the majority of what I believe and who I have become has been heavily influenced off of the blood and sweat (mostly figurative) of others. There needs to be a crossover though. There needs to be ownership and introspective archaeology... there is something hidden away inside of all of us that will be exposed. Something inside that has been forgotten. Something alive that is waiting to be unleashed. what a simplistic complication.
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