I am still awake and didn't know what else to do, so I thought I would give this a whirl...
what to talk about?
I cut my finger today. It was very interesting though... the reason being that it was cut by a seemingly harmless object... which I guess is why this stands out to me.
It would be one thing if I cut myself with a knife, or scissors, or the corner of a table, or some other jagged piece of solid material, broken glass, a rusty nail, lawn mower blades, a chainsaw... something at least kind of menacing or intimidating.
I cut myself with a piece of string... something incredibly soft... something used to make blankets, comfortable clothing, and sock puppets. string.
It was even more than a cut, it was more like a slice, right along the soft flesh covering the joint dividing the tip of my middle finger from the rest of my hand. The tension, movement, and pressure of this innocent and soft thread turned a normally unimpressive object into a surprisingly strong and destructive tool. It would have kept going deeper if the pain had not startled me and caused me to quickly pull my hand away. Thinking back, I am not even sure how I did this to myself.. but that is not the point...
this is the point, or at least I think it is.. I didn't rally have a point when I started writing, remember?.. it was just late and I was trying to find something to do.. anyhow.. back to the point.
the point...
string is not very impressive.
I kind of feel like leaving that as the point, but I will add some more to it...
As you have heard it said before "string is not very impressive" but when the right pressure, movement, tension, manipulation, and combination with other tools is added to this unimpressive grouping of fibers amazing things can happen. there is potential.
I kind of feel like that string, and I am very glad that I am in the hands of a master artist who is able to look at me, call me good, see potential, and turn me into something more than just a piece of string. grace is beautiful.
I think Blogger needs a ¨LIKE¨ button! :)