often times the seemingly mundane can provide a great deal of insight


turn, turn, turn...

Dear 14 readers ( I am accepting new subscribers as well),

I am so proud of you for making it this far, but I think I am going to attempt to lighten up these entries a little bit. This may or may not work, I'm not really a betting man but I feel safe leaving those as the two most likely options...

I also think that it might be nice to have some sort of new consistent theme or direction to these entries and to add a new entry every other day. Don't get me wrong, I have been writing a on a pretty consistent theme, but maybe it is time for a change of pace... as my entries should represent my style which could be described as "awesome" ... also I should be writing about things that are more interesting to make up for my rather bland and unexciting personality.

With that being the case I am not going to strive to be the best at writing blog entries that are engaging and entertaining. I will just try to be better than most at doing those things.

So consider this entry number one of our new experiment.. what would the 14+ of you be interested in hearing my perspective on? you have two days.


  1. Hey Drew! I have been following your postings as well, but haven't been able to subscribe until now. I just found out you can subscribe through your google id - cool. Now you can address your posts to 15 (although I KNOW more people than that are reading this)


  2. sorry about the two comments, i had to do some editing on my old blogger account (which, apparently, you cannot delete...) so I'm not sure if i'm following you as a blogger person or a google friendconnect person - ooooooh well ;0) take it easy

  3. I have enjoyed your posts just the way they are! No need for change! If you want a change though, I am up for anything...whatever comes from your head and heart works for me! :)
