Active minds are tough to turn off.
I'd imagine that in extreme cases it is like trying to put out a grease triggered oven fire. It is interesting to me how complicated the mind is and how intricately weaved together it must be. Equally as interesting is how such a complicated masterpiece can be so easily entertained and satisfied. Granted, this is possibly declining due to the barrage of sensory stimulation that is sweeping into society, but maybe it is not declining... maybe it is getting worse.
It is funny how the active and creative minds of few can produce gadgets and trends that will subdue the masses into zom-like lethargy.
So, I raise my glass to those minds still active. And bid you continue to stimulate that potential for greatness as you strive to learn, grow, create, and understand. And to the rest of you... you probably will never read this entry unless someone tweetbooks it to your facepod.
(ps- picture was first to pop into google image search when typing in "grease brain fire" apparently it is some kid named "Nate", he might read this blog, but probably not... idiot)
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