often times the seemingly mundane can provide a great deal of insight


the lovers, the dreamers, and you

People read this stuff...

It has been funny, but on several occasions I will run into somebody or receive a random comment about this blog from a person that I have not seen or heard from in a long time.  And when this happens I almost always feel the same sensation.. It is a combination of intrigue, surprise, humility, and some element of value.

Kind of like...

"yeah I baked that cake and put it out for everyone to taste, but I didn't even know you were coming to the party..."

It could be argued that truly great writers would continue writing even if there was nobody to read their work.. although I would argue that the value of a writers work comes not by the mere combination of ink to paper but when these symbols take meaning and are processed by the outside observers, the readers.

I wouldn't consider myself to be a great writer, just somebody with a few thoughts that might be worth sharing about my perspectives and ponderings.  Also, I would probably keep on writing even if nobody was reading this stuff, but the fact that I know people do read it encourages me to continue writing, and to be more intentional about keeping my writings fresh and hopefully interesting, if not bizarre enough to at least draw a smile out from the reader.

Of what value is your expression if there is nobody to interpret it?  How great is it to bake the best cookies in the world but to dare not share them with anyone else for fear they will be criticized, or to write a song that will never be heard?

Could it be that when we produce out of selflessness, in whatever our gifting, we actually contribute more to the greater community by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable?  loaded question, but I think so.

I don't thing that this blog is any great creation, but I have found it to be a healthy place for me to process my thoughts and present them to a community that might also be challenged in some form and hopefully responds with thoughts and opinions of their own.

I'll bet that some of you have talents far greater than any of mine and you have held them close to yourself for fear of criticism, rejection, or something else,  and that they are being suffocated by these hesitations.

They need to breathe.  The longer they have been without breath the more those talents will need to be developed. but they are there... and they are waiting.

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