I sat in the waiting room remembering the last time she fought this battle...
She was my hero. She battled hard against that cancer, and the whole time held her head up high in a way that allowed her to serve others who were in her view. She conquered cancer! Beat it! Destroyed it! While she killed the beast she was giving hope to others around her and loving others patiently.
My mom is my hero. While I watched her selflessly loving others while she was going through pain and discomfort, I sat around feeling self pity. I wondered...
Why would God do this to my mom?
What did I do to deserve this happening to my mom?
What happens if God takes my mom from me?
etc., etc., etc.
Even though I was a miserable, whiny, selfish jerk, God decided to cure my mom!
We celebrated! Man, did we celebrate! I even promised God that I would never be so selfish again. I promised God that I would show hope and love to others even if I feel I am in some sort of pain or discomfort.
Well, the time has come. On April 8th, 2010 I found out that my mom has an inoperable cancerous tumor. Round 2, similar to the last time except this time it is inoperable.
I sat in the waiting room remembering the last time she found this battle...
The same questions pop into my head, just elevated and less trusting towards God. Is it ok for me to be angry with God? Why the hell do truly evil people get away with rich, enjoyable lives, while my mom (I'm biased, but ask almost anybody who knows her, and they'll agree) who is one of the nicest, selfless people on the planet suffers not once, but twice?
Then I see my mom, her face clearly saddened and filled with questions, but shining with the hope and love of Jesus...
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