When we hear a talented musician play something amazing and fresh we do not say that music is doing a "new thing".
Music is interesting in that while it is experienced by physical senses, it somehow crosses between the natural and supernatural. Some argue that music is discovered rather than created... all the sounds and rhythms are out there, but we need to find them and piece them together. Music would exist without people, but it is through people that we realize music exists.
When we hear a talented musician play something amazing and fresh we say that the musician is doing a new thing... and we can describe what it is they are doing.
Quite a while ago I had a conversation with a pastor of a local congregation. During our time together I was describing to him something that I had been processing and had some concerns about. During this conversation I ended up using the phrase "dangerous anthems" to describe what I had been witnessing.
To give a brief description...
dangerous anthem: [deyn-jer-uh
1. A blanket statement with biblical truth used to justify an individuals actions, often times overriding question and accountability.
Just to give an example, I will pick one such anthem that causes me alarm...
"God is doing a new thing"
This statement in itself is not entirely inaccurate. I think that God inspires and moves people to begin new works quite frequently.
It becomes a dangerous anthem when paired with other symptoms.
It is not as though the eternal and everlasting Creator of the universe just realized one day that what He had started out doing was no longer right. Like He had made a mistake and decided that His initial trajectory was miscalculated and he had to change what He was doing in order to start "a new thing".
He didn't just say "oops. sorry. let me try that again.... "
but... sometimes it seems that people believe that has happened and will justify actions based on the dangerous anthem. UnGodly changes can be made because of a small nugget of truth used inappropriately.
To some degree, I think that music operates in a similar fashion to how God does. God is unchanging although unpredictable. In theory, we are supposed come to understand more about God through the people who claim to follow Him. Sadly this is not often the case, but in theory... it's how it is supposed to work.
Apparently we have a lot of bad musicians and equally impressive christians.
Sometimes a little nugget of truth will be stumbled upon, used out of context, and cause hurt and confusion.
That is a dangerous anthem.
Dangerous anthems also are dangerous because of how vague they tend to be.
The lack of specifics is a cause for alarm.
"God is doing a new thing" could mean anything, and justify any changes that are made... for better or worse.
A more accurate statement would be "we are doing a new thing and feel God is behind it" Although that doesn't quite have the same tribal ring to it when paired up with some djembes and acoustic guitars in a emotionally lit room.
or better yet " We are now doing _______________ and feel God is behind it because ___________"
I know... crazy concept. Actually describe what the new thing is and your reasoning behind it, turning it from a concept blindly shouted out and into a reality, and taking responsibility for your actions... not very romantic, but much healthier and appropriate.
So beware of dangerous anthems, bad music, and change your undies frequently... cause you never know when you will get in a car crash.
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