There it was...
I must have been in the perfect place at the perfect time... or maybe it was just a typical place at a regular time, with little perfection to be claimed... either way I saw one of the most beautiful acts of nature I have ever seen.
Have you ever had an experience you wished you could bottle up and carry with you... something so beautifully impacting that you wanted to remain in the midst of it... this was one of them for me.
...and, if you could remain in it, do you think it would retain it's beauty? Or is its rarity a critical part of what makes it so beautiful? Is the uniqueness of it what makes it stand out? Without the backdrop of familiarity would we really be able to appreciate these beautiful moments? Without some contrast we could not fully appreciate these experiences.
a rainbow.
The thing was so close that I felt like I could throw a stone and knock out the ornery gold hoarding leprechaun at the end of it. Vibrant colors filled the otherwise dim and unimpressive sky. I went to my car, preparing to grab my camera and take a picture of it... and then I made a wonderful decision.
The picture I intended on taking was never taken.
Instead of capturing an unsuitable glimpse of this experience, I decided to soak in the moment and remember it as it was... cherishing its beauty and creating a visual picture that would only improve with age, and knowing that part of what made it so special is it's uncontainable uniqueness. I realized that it was beautiful for a couple reasons... the bright spectrum of colors did stand out in the dim sky, which increased its beauty, and also I don't always have the opportunity to see a rainbow but when I do, it is special.
All this to say, beauty is emphasized and more deeply appreciated when there is contrast...
Rainbows stand out because the sky is normally void of them and we are aware of that.
Jumping into a pool of crisp refreshing water is amazing on a hot and humid Minnesota day because we have been sweating through our clothes and chewing on the thick air.
A little bit of salt makes sweet things taste even better because of the flavor contrast.
Fireworks suck in the daylight because there is no contrast.
Salvation is more beautiful if we understand there something to be saved from.
There it is.. you probably expected something like that to be said sooner than later.. we've got some spiritual implications with all this jazz. More on this later.
Sunday was the close of the United Services at the church where I work. I don't want to comment on that overall experience in this entry, but I do want to point out something that took many of the young adults and I am sure several others in the congregation by surprise.
Jabez showed up.
The whole Jabez thing has been a running joke for at least a couple years in the young adult ministry at church. The word/name "Jabez" has become synonymous with "prosperity gospel" which many Christ followers, especially of the mosaic generation (those born between 1984 and 2002), are not very keen to.
This is the cheat sheet on what the "Prayer of Jabez" is...
It is used once in 1 Chronicles 4:10 and is a good example of an Old Testament blessing.
It is a prayer in four parts...
First, Jabez asks God to bless him.
Second, he asks God to enlarge his territory.
Third, he prays that God will be with him and stay close.
Fourth, he asks God to keep him from harm so he will be free from pain.
So... that is the "Prayer of Jabez" - If you hopped in a DeLorean, you could travel back to the distant year 2000 and find it at the local supermarket "impulse buy" section, near the register and next to the candy.
Great Scott!
So, this past Sunday... we had Jabez prayed over us to close the service and, in effect, our time of United Services. I know it was done out of good intentions, but there was one phrase I have heard brought up several times in conversation since then that has seemed to leave a sour residue behind.... the bit about pain.
While in the 1 Chronicles prayer there is a balance of cause and effect... being near to God and kept out of harm so that Jabez would not feel pain, the emphasis of the "blessing" on Sunday made it sound like the point was for God to give us grace so that we would not experience pain, almost for the sake of not experiencing pain.
The questions I have been hearing about this could be summarized with this...
Is feeling pain really a bad thing?
I once heard a story of a young girl with a medical condition that made her immune to pain.
Pain tells you that something is wrong. Pain is not in and of itself a bad thing... it is what notifies you that a bad thing is happening or just happened. Pain is a good thing.
Because this girl could not feel pain, there was nothing to stop her from allowing and in some cases causing her body to be destroyed. Her body would be damaged terribly, but was unable to tell her something was wrong or needed to stop. Apparently her baby teeth caused big issues... she would chew her lips bloody in her sleep, bite through her tongue while eating, and at one point put her finger in her mouth and stripped the tender flesh from it. It still damaged her, she was just unable to sense it. We should consider ourselves blessed that we do feel pain.. for feeling a little pain in order to prevent more serious injury is an example of grace.
So.. how is this stuff tied to salvation and rainbows?
One reason rainbows are so beautiful is because of their contrast with the rest of the sky... and pain is kind of like our annoying friend reminding us that there is something other than a rainbow up there.
In order for us to understand the significance of salvation it is important for us to recognize a need for it, but many times we rush our focus straight into the pretty colors of the christian rainbow without acknowledging the dark skies contrasting it.
When we experience the byproduct of sin in various forms... pain being one of them, we are exposed to these dark skies, and of our need for a Savior. Pain can be a reminder that something is wrong. Pain can be a warning that the decisions we are making are causing destruction. Pain is just one small reminder of our need for a Savior. When we look at the complete picture we are able to more fully appreciate the beauty in the midst of its surroundings.
rainbows and dim skies.... salvation and sin...
The bigger picture makes a lot more sense.
Let's take a good look at it.
cool post. i like how you describe pain as a blessing, as a good thing. i've never thought of it that way. thanks.