....at least not at the time I sat down and wrote this entry.
I have talked a lot about different issues that I have with the church and the way christianity has been softened in the United States.
I have posted a number of entries that have presented some strong opinions and voiced concern particularly about the church I work at...
A few days ago I was faced with a decision.
It started like this... Last week my boss sent me an e-mail letting me know that my performance review was going to be conducted. At first I didn't really think anything of it. It is a fairly routine procedure.
The way our reviews work:
I am given a number of questions about my job and asked to answer them honestly.
My boss is given a number of categories describing my performance and asked to comment on them honestly.
I then send my answers to my boss and we sit together and discuss these things.
pretty easy, right?
Well... question "F" came up....
oh, question "F"... why did provoke me this way?
Question "F" was...
"Is there anything your supervisor or NHLC can do to enhance your job satisfaction, or help you do your job better?"
it was a moment of truth.
I work in Outreach, and my supervisor is great... but as I have hinted before... NHLC could give me a hand...
I responded....
"Love God and love others. The more we teach on the importance of this combination and have leaders that show lives that demonstrate it, the closer we will get to having outreach change from an event to a lifestyle. It seems outreach has become an area where it is culturally acceptable (in the church) to be hypocritical. We can promote it and not live it, and it seems that we are generally ok with that pairing. It would be extremely helpful if the heart of outreach were to be revealed and explained, and for this to be taught from the pulpit. It is equipping the congregation to recognize the Gospel as good news and respond to their salvation in ways that demonstrate Gods love and mercy to those who are hurting and in need; physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It would be helpful if, as a community of believers and individuals, we recognize how the world has gotten darker, and we take responsibility and acknowledge that it is largely due to an absence of light. We have been called to be that light but have been hiding and protecting ourselves, and for outreach focused lifestyles to flourish, this must change. We have become the barns that we ourselves have built bigger, and the numbers of those being saved is not daily increasing, because we have not made that a priority, and when these things are addressed, my job will become much easier. Also, a pay-scale increase would be nice."
So... that is what I wrote.
My performance review was yesterday.
My boss thanked me for taking the opportunity and being open and honest, and I received much positive feedback from here (I have talked with her about these things before)
This review will now make it's way up the chains of command...
but... this is the difference.
I was given a choice. I could keep expressing my thoughts on this blog and hope that some people become challenged, encouraged, and motivated to ask questions or take action.. and that could be it.
But I had the opportunity to share my opinions with those who can make a change, and I did.
When I have brought this up to others, I am asked things like...
So, did you get fired yet?
When is your last day?
Do you think you'll be getting fired then?
As you might have noted, there is a common theme in the responses. And though they are said in slight jest, I think it is important that I wrote what I did in the manner I did.
I also think it is important that you know I wrote what I did to who I did, because if I am going to continue to post things here, I need to be willing to stand behind my opinions when it counts and be bold enough to put things on the line in hopes of transformation.
So... I thank you for taking time to read this, and look forward to sharing more with you in a few days. Peace.
your blogging confirms our soultwinness, if that is a word :)
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing your thoughts and keep on seeking(and walking) the narrow path that leads to God.
Untill we meet again,