...is such a funny word when paired with a religion claiming the only Living God. Yet quite recently I have heard the word "survival" used twice describing the Christian Church. I have heard these words.. "The survival of the church is dependent upon...". Pardon me, but this brings me to question some motives. Is the movement of Christianity in a state of panic or is the establishment of Christianity in a state of panic? Which one is worried about "survival". Survival is a word rarely paired with something healthy and vibrant. The movement of Christ will persevere. That terror of a mustard seed, which is the Kingdom of God, will press forward until it has devoured all opposition. The only thing that will survive the mustard plant is itself. It does not need to survive. Could it be that the establishment of Christianity is meeting opposition from the mustard seed? Has the hyped up production of the evangelical movement realized that the space in the garden is getting smaller, and it's roots are drying up? Has the mustard plant finally caught up to it?
This is not to say that the movement of the cross has not been without opposition. That would be foolishness to claim. This is also not to say that the establishment of Christianity has not been used to further the kingdom, for this is also foolishness.
Back to the catalyst of this thought process...
The two things I have heard said about the survival of the church (establishment)
1) It must intentionally work toward a multi-cultural body covering all demographics
2) It must go "underground" for at least 10 years.
I feel that I have already experienced this "Survived Church"
It is what grew from that mustard seed Christ spoke of. The movement that was never meant to get entrenched in an established machine of religion. It has continued to move and grow as this beast was built and refined. The unrefined free-flowing perpetuation of the Kingdom of Heaven has persevered.
ReplyDeleteI just read this about 20 minutes before reading yours. It's opinion of course, but I wonder if both of you are on the right track.