When did this all begin? What happened to our communication with God that we have taken on such a foolish sounding standard? Why do we "Just" pray. If you have had exposure to the evangelical church and heard public prayer, then you probably know what I am talking about. For some reason the word "just" is a must have in communication with God.
"Lord, we just are so glad for the ways you are working, Lord. And we just desire, Lord, to be your Servants, Lord. And Lord, we just thank you, Lord, just... for all that you do, Lord."
When did we begin "just" praying? Who started this, and why did it become a standard? Most importantly, why do we continue to use this? What grammatical purpose does it serve?
Also, I understand the importance of this concept, and am learning more about there being power in the Name of Jesus, and declaring Christ as Lord, but why is it used so frequently in prayer? I seriously have a hard time that it is said out of reverence every time it is said. It is more like a conversational tick, similar when to a public speaker uses the word "like" or says "umm" a lot. I think it is good to remember that Lord's name does have power, and to recognize this when we use it... not to use it "in vain".
Speaking of "umm".. there is another interesting phenomena that occurs in prayer. The "agreement moan" or "grunt". This is done when someone says something that others agree with, and rather than articulating this agreement and voicing this.. there is an odd grunt or moan that squaks out. This is also done when something very "spiritual" is said... maybe using some big lofty church words that have been picked up along the way that demand a prayer groan.
I have been guilty of these cultural prayer afflictions and once I began recognizing them, I started to question them... "why do I do these things?" I really think they are part of a culture that has developed and are limiting our perception of prayer.
St. Augustine said "True whole prayer is nothing but love"
We pay very close attention to those things which we love.
I am a huge fan of prayer. I think that there is tremendous power in this practice, and I do believe we are communicating with God when we pray. I also think that if our cultural traits are limiting our communication with God or softening our value of prayer, we should consider changing some things. What if in questioning our current standard we cross a line into a new and better place where our words are heard and our connection with God is strengthened?
I once wrote a skit that was performed in a church, it was a comedy entitled "If people talked how they prayed". There was a lot of laughter as it was being presented, and after it was performed a number of people were honestly afraid to pray out loud in public. It was like swallowing down a razor blade in a spoon full of sugar. I think the point was received.
The Heights Skit
“If people talked how they prayed”
Cast List-
Elements of prayer to use:
repeated and synonymous title and name dropping.
The use of the word Just
The agreement grunt.. or nnnnn
Using “a hedge of” and other prayer jargon
( Dan and Greg are waiting for Jon because the three of them are going to go see a concert. Dan and Greg talk in prayer form and Jon is weirded out and eventually frustrated by this recent development.)
*throughout this feel free to interject the “agreement moan” when appropriate, which*
* is almost all the time*
Dan: Friend Greg, I just want to ask that you to just be with me today as we just go see the concert Greg. And friend Greg I just want to thank you sooo very much for just always being so present Greg and with me Greg and here right now, friend Greg.
Greg: Ohh, friend Dan who is with me right now, I just petition that you would just put a hedge of financial blessing on me Dan. And friend Dan that you would just help me to just find some way Dan to just go to the concert tonight friend Dan.
Dan: Friend Greg, I just want to echo what you just said Greg. I just want to admit that you do need those finances, and I do admit that Greg. Friend Greg, I just want to acknowledge your need for 5 bucks for the cover charge Greg. And Friend Greg, I just ask that I could just be a blessing to you Greg. (gives Greg the $5, and waits a beat) Friend Greg, I just ask that your will just be done Greg, with this 5 bucks that I just gave you friend
(Jon enters, and reacts to Dan and Greg as any sane person would as the two of them proceed to prayer speak him)
Jon: Hey Guys, sorry I’m late.. I’ve been so much more popular and way busy since getting a cell phone…. (Crowd applauds and cheers wildly -inside joke) … So, what’s going on?
Greg: Friend Jon, We just want to ask you to just be with us today Jon Palmer as we just go see the concert Jon.
Dan: Jon Palmer, I just want to stand in agreement, and just acknowledge Jon, what my brother Greg said, Jon
Palmer. We do ask you to just be with us today Jon Palmer and just go with us Jon as we just enter into a time of fellowship tonight friend Jon Palmer.
Jon: Ok.. guys.. got to admit, your freakin me out a little bit here. Not gonna lie. I mean, seriously why are you guys talking so crazy… I mean seriously, it’s a little disturbing. You keep repeating my name and saying “just”…and what is that noise?
(The noise Jon references is the agreement moan which Dan and Greg have brought to a crescendo since Jon started talking)
Greg: Oh Friend Jon, what is it you ask of me Jon?
Jon: It’s like you guys were mooing at me or something... what is the deal? Ugh.. you’re doing it again! Stop.(they moan). stop.(they moan). *yells*Stop! (they wait a beat and then moan)
Dan: Dear Jon Palmer, our friend, We just received a message Jon, from Saint Marks Intl. Jesus House Community Church of Hope, friend Jon… (waits a second and starts up) And friend Jon Palmer
(This is where you simulate the awkward.. “who keeps praying?” thing that happens in community prayer when two people start at the same time)
Greg: Friend Jon…… (Greg won) Friend Jon, we just come before you today friend Jon, and Just, friend Jon, ask that you would have ears to hear, as we just bring forth our message Friend Jon.
Dan: (Continues what he was already going to say... after a hesitant pause) And friend Jon Palmer.. We just were encouraged by the message on prayer friend Jon Palmer. We were told to just be in a state of continuous prayer
Jon Palmer, and to pray without ceasing, and to always pray Jon Palmer.
Jon: Wait.. wait.. wait .. a second here. So that’s what this whole thing is about? That’s why you keep on repeating my name.. and grunting in agreement, and saying “just” every other word?.. Hey guys.. I think you took the message the wrong way…
*Dan and Greg look very confused and wait a beat*
Dan and Greg: *moan in confusion*
Jon: I’m just saying, I don’t think that’s how to be in constant prayer…
Dan and Greg: *deadpan expression, look toward each other*
Jon: *thinks for a second* Oh Greg and Dan.. I just want to say that I just urge you both to please just see the error of your ways Greg and Dan.. And to please just come to an understanding Greg and Dan, of how you just completely misunderstood the message Greg and Dan, and how you are just driving me just crazy Greg and
Dan.. Just.. just.. and how I’m just about to freak out on you Dan and Greg for just acting like a couple of crazies, Dan and Greg, and ask that your will would not be done, Dan and Greg!
(As Jon is ranting, Bart enters and watches Jon freaking out prayer-style)
Bart: Whoa, whoa,, what’s going on here guys?
Dan: I don’t know.. Jon just started freaking out…
Greg: Yeah, weird, huh?
( Dan and Greg walk off stage leaving a destroyed Jon Palmer in mild schock as he eventually makes his way off stage)
The End
Me gusta.
ReplyDeleteI have also been contemplating our use of prayer as a buffer.... would we know how to finish a sermon or segue between events if we couldn't pray? When did talking to God become a time-filler? good stuff, my friend
ReplyDeleteHahaha this made me laugh so hard :) I heard that 'just' and agreement thing when I first got to YWAM and it made me so critical of americans (Im sorry - they 'just' were the ones praying in english haha).. but its so much more than the just-thing.. its a whole culture.. It reminds me of the Pharisees standing on the street corners.. its terrible.
ReplyDeleteAnd it was nice cause I used to pray in Dutch and then I learned to pray in english (which I still do) but the language differences really helped me to break with culture and to start over again, you understand? Try switching to praying in Spanish sometimes, you will see what I mean...
Good Stuff...this gets to me too...especially when I find myself doing it! :(