often times the seemingly mundane can provide a great deal of insight


girls don't poop... ladies fart

Often times we prefer to believe that which makes our lives more convenient.  Or we would rather not know about the nitty-gritty aspects that are all a part of our human story.

This is an awesome advertisement... but it does remind me of that.

I think too often... especially in the christian sub-culture, we have learned that "girls don't poop" but in other forms.  We can ask someone how they are doing.. and although they are in the midst of a mental breakdown, a relationship problem, a crisis of faith, anger at God, or whatever... the response is normally...


Why do we do that?

Are we afraid of being vulnerable? Do we assume the person asking doesn't really want to know?  Are we worried of coming across as imperfect... or ungrateful?

Probably all those things, and more, at different times.... and sometimes it is wise to save your heart for those you can trust with it.

I challenge that polished porcelain throne of aromatically pleasing lies with this.... Girls do poop.  Missionaries have meltdowns, pastors struggle with lust, your grandma wants to flip off Jesus,  whatever...

As Christ followers, we are all in process of learning what it means to be sons and daughters of the King of Kings and walking out life as a co-heir of Christ... this doesn't mean we just wallow in our own filth.. but as we learn how to live authentic lives, this whole faith thing makes a lot more sense.

ladies fart.


dirty teeth and headaches


  At my last dental appointment I was told that there is some slight staining of my teeth, and was immediately asked if I drink coffee regularly...

Guilty.  I didn't even need to think abut it... It did cause me to realize that maybe I am drinking a bit too much coffee, too often.  I think this is a very common addiction... or habit... or ritual... or flat out chemical dependency for some people.

I did a speech on the dangers of coffee during a class in college, it was heavily based off a book called "Caffeine Blues"  and I am sure it was remarkable.

Anyhow... I regularly fall victim to this toxic delicious nectar and rely on coffee too much... and then accidentally forget to drink coffee at some point and have a serious headache and a less than angelic attitude. It is always at this point I actually realize that I should probably change my habit.

Typically I do, and it lasts a little while until the cycle repeats itself.

There are tons of other parts of life that can become stained but disregarded until they cause distress.  Sometimes that can be a wake up call, other times we just brush more and keep sipping away.



rope burns, generosity, and grumpy pants

It has been said that "writers are fighters", "readers are leaders", and "those who don't quote will never be quoted."

This is certainly a very passionately communicated message on an incredibly sensitive topic for many people... and this is by no means intended to come across as ungrateful to those many amazing people who have a giving heart and are excited about generously investing in supported workers (and acting on that excitement) I just think there are some valid points in this excerpt from Michael Oh.

I think there are likely to be several primary yet different reactions to hearing something like this... depending on your condition prior to hearing these words... these are just a few possibilities...




To briefly explain this....

Offense: If you are feeling attacked by these words there is a good chance that they are pointing out a different set of values than what has become commonplace in your life.  If this is the case your values have likely been challenged by his passion and left a case of the Grumpies in your pants. i.e. "grumpy pants" which can be terminal.

Conviction:  Some similarities to the above with a completely different response... after recognizing an unmet need and hearing a challenge for action... something changes. a heart of repentance is birthed and tangible, physical, actual actions follow suit... Next time you hear a similar message you will likely feel something different... something like....

Affirmation:  To those already "holding the rope" this is your rally call and a burden on your heart and on behalf of myself and others "in the cave" I whole heartedly thank you!  And for those of us who are dangling by threads being asked to "buy our own rope"as we see spools of it in the hands of others... we are encouraged by this message yet afraid of saying that because we may appear ungrateful, but we know that there are amazing people out there reminding others that we are still in the cave in need of rope.

So.... you can either "get in the cave" or "hold the rope" for someone willing to... or live life with  grumpy spilling out of your pants.


zymology theology - the yeast of heaven

I started brewing beer over a year ago.

This started because of a combination of interests I have.  I really enjoy great beer, I really enjoy cooking, and I also like having outlets for creativity... did I mention that I like great beer?

Shortly after I began brewing my first batch of delicious ale... my "Brawler IPA" (a west coast style IPA, dry-hopped for that extra kick) I began to think through the process of transforming the various ingredients, water, malt, grain, yeast, & hops in such a way that the end result is radically (and chemically) different than the beginning.

It is in the diversity of the ingredients that the end result is better than the beginning.

What is very interesting (to me, at least) is that I intentionally introduce an ingredient that will not happily coexist with another... when I pitch yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae ) into the brew, I am wanting for the yeast to physically attack and consume the sugars found in the malt, and as they consume sugar they also convert it into ethanol and carbon dioxide.  By controlling sanitation, temperature, lighting, and movement...  I try to create the perfect environment for yeast to thrive.

The yeast does several things by converting sugars.  It balances the flavor by transforming sweetness of sugar and working with the hops to make the brew have a more well-rounded and balanced flavor. It will eventually be what I use to carbonate the beer during the bottling process.  It also is the reason that your beer should be enjoyed responsibly.

I find it interesting that yeast works the way it does.  It truly alters the environment it is placed in.

Christianity is also interesting.

In Matthew 13:33 Jesus describes that His Kingdom.. The Kingdom of Heaven, is like yeast, or leaven, that works its way through a great measure of flour until everything was transformed.

Right before this the, Kingdom of Heaven is described as a mustard seed, which is essentially a weed that overtakes an entire garden... it might as well be described as planting a dandelion in a wide open lush green field, but even more aggressive... but this all deserves an entirely different blog entry.

When I began brewing, part of my desire was to learn more about life... which for me must include learning more about faith, so now as I am able to sit back and enjoy pints of a rusty amber ale, exploding with hops, transformed by yeast,  I am in some small way, also able to enjoy a taste of the Kingdom of Heaven at work... and it tastes great.
