It is interesting to me how I can often times take something for granted for such an extended period of time and it is not until a sudden change jars my perception that I am able to remember why I was once truly appreciative of said thing.
On a hot and humid Minnesota day, I miss my sandals.
These good ol' reliable friends have traveled with me for years through continents and time in terrain ranging from red Kenyan earth to Argentinian cobblestone. Just a couple of days earlier did they take one step closer to retirement. They might still be salvaged, but optimism will wane over time. The curious part of my recent loss is that it is on a day when they would be most highly valued that their memory is most haunting. This is, of course, a normal reaction and something that we all deal with..... and it happens with something as minimal as footwear as well as something as indescribable as the longing to be with a loved one that has passed.
Our days bring us surprises and our memories will be awakened by experiences yet to be encountered.
We are a complicated and beautiful design.