Dear Reader,
It has been a little while since I last gave an update.
MTC was a spectacular success. I believe that deep connections were made in the students hearts and minds. Watching the Holy Spirit tie everything together was a breathtaking ordeal. I have heard many positive comments from students and leaders. One leader said "This is the best missions experience I have had with North Heights".. and he had been on several to Mexico, Guatemala, India.. so I feel as though he knew what he was saying. Praise God. This was an extremely challenging week for students as well as leaders. I would argue that MissionTwinCities was the most demanding opportunity we have had for our adult leaders, and they did an amazing job. It was a week of information, service, worship, love and growth. I am excited to see how the students involved will continue to live out what hey have learned. Love God and Love others.
Summer Programs
We recently finished our big Summer programs. A week long summer camp for students in grades 7-9 and a weekend retreat for students in grades 10-12. They were both wonderful but in very different ways.
The Camp was a lot of fun.. so much fun in fact that I couldnt accurately describe it in a blog.. but trust me.. it was a blast. It was also a great opportunity for me to get to know some of the students who are new to our program since it is the first opportunity that 7th graders have to hang out with us. The week was filled with small group time, big games, teaching times, campfire services, skits, fun activities, sugar, and a lot of laughter. The whole week is designed to give the students a welcoming environment where they can learn more about what it means to follow Christ. It was certainly a great week.
The retreat was so beautiful. Many of the same students who went to MTC also went to this retreat. So it was awesome to keep on building relationships and hanging out with these great students. This was one of the smallest retreats we have had in years, with about 30 students attending. That is a great number for building community. Also with the students being in 10th -12th grade you are able to have some wonderful conversations and work through some deep issues. I loved this retreat. Those students are just amazing and I love getting to work with them. I was also able to teach one of the sessions. The theme for the retreat was "Open Spaces", where we talked about the importance of creating space in our lives for God. I was one of three speakers for the retreat and I talked about how when we create space in our lives for God we become part of a Holy Revolution, a drastic and far reaching change in our thoughts and actions. Something very near and dear to my heart. We also have big games, and a lot of funny during the weekend, but the highlights of this retreat were those things you cannot plan for.
Other Things
So, overall the Summer programs went wonderfully and you can see some pictures if you click the "pictures" link on my sidebar.. (once you get to the page the pics are in the "my current mission field" folder)
Things have slowed down just a little bit now, which is a nice change of pace, and we are preparing for our upcoming program year and all the changes we have planned for it. A few of those big changes... we haven't had a Coordinator for our Senior High Ministry since May and we just hired someone into that position. Her name is Kalley, and yes.. she is the Kalley you are thinking about. She will be starting up in the next couple weeks as we start getting the year rolling. This will put me as the only male youth staff member paired up with 5 ladies... pray for me. My job title has also undergone a change, I am now the Student Ministry Missions and Events Coordinator. Yes.. the word "Missions" is in my title.. it seems like a good direction :) It is a brand new position and it will be fun to figure out exactly what it looks like (so for my friends in other countries, I may see you soon!). Some other fun little chunks of my life include.. I have dreds in again! It was a long time coming but they are n again and looking pretty sweet, if I do say so... I am registered to take my last class for college, that's right! The Biology class will be completed this Fall, and then I will be a graduate!... I am also scheduled to get my Motorcycle license at the beginning of September, strictly to keep up my "bad boy" image... I am still living in Saint Paul and loving that, I have mastered the art of smoking babyback ribs (delicious)... I am writing and playing music for recreation, I got another ear piercing (bad boy.. remember?)... I am excited for this next year and I will keep you all updated as things move along! Love and Peace be with all of you! May God bless you and keep you, make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you, may he look upon you with favor and Give you His peace.