Dear Loved Ones, (You think that's just a title... well I mean it every time)
I am safe and sound in Pichilemu, Chile. I am excited to be able to help out around the YWAM base here. I already feel right at home! I flew out from Panama Tuesday and arrived in Santiago yesterday at around 3am.. I then had to bus to the main terminal at 7am and take a 4 hour bus ride to Pichilemu at 8am and finlly arrived around noon... So once the dust settled yesterday, I took a nap. I also met a lot of the wonderful people at this base, and I am really looking forward to the time I will be spending here. I will be working a good deal with their communications dept. and maybe putting together a video for their Discipleship Training School. The weather here is refreshingly crisp.. like a nice refreshing Minnesota autumn.. I may need to be dragged out of this place... So, although I have only been here a short time I am very much encouraged, and looking forward to the many days I have left in Chile. On another note... because of the great internet connection here, I have been able to put some more videos online for the Panama ministry in Casco Viejo. The first features and introduction from Derek Webb. What's more, they are conveniently placed on this site! How sweet is that? So check out the videos while you're here and if you are interested in doing more with that ministry than just watching videos about it.. here is their webpage link.. THEIR WEBPAGE LINK or e-mail me and I can connect you with the right people. So, without further hesitation, I present to you the feature presentation/s. Peace.