Dear Loved Ones,
I finally made it to a net cafe and can offer up a more proper update on my location and well-being. I arrived safely in Panama City, Panama ( Not Florida.. I just liked the post card... ) after an 18 hour bus ride from San Jose, Costa Rica. I was blessed to be randomly accompanied by a group of Christian students traveling together for a study abroad program, also in my company was a missionary family from Spain/Belgum that has been on the field for over 20 years now and were on their way to Columbia. So, what would have been a very long ride became a great blessing as I was able to share about what God had brought me through over the past few months and travel peacefully with some brothers and sisters in Christ. I completely surprised everyone at the YWAM base in Panama with my arrival. I was purposely keeping my visit out of their radar, and they were very surprised as I just walked right into a room filled with some good friends. What a great surprise! Now about building bridges. I plan on being able to connect different ministries with people who can support these minsitries. Making "bridges". To do this I will use video to try to capture the heart, vision, and history of ministries I come in contact with and then bring those needs back to the United States, in order to form connections. The first ministry I am working with is a new one in Panama City, through YWAM. I have been keeping busy with doing some filming of Panamas new inner-city ministry in Casco Viejo, the ministry has just begun and is in need of a lot of help. Besides the filming, I have also done some translating for a short-term team that came through from Texas. Along with those things I have been doing some work with the DTS staff and also been able to work with some of the indigenous students from the home. I hope to be able to get back to do more work in Casco Viejo later on in this week, I also plan on doing some prison ministry while I am down in Panama. Right now I think I will be at this base for a round a month. The plan from here is still to fly over to Cartegena, Columbia. I will keep this updated as I spend more time in Panama and as Columbia plans become more concrete. Thank you for all of your prayers and support, and if you have missed any of the past blogs, you can check them out in the blog history on this page. Peace and Blessings.