Dear Loved Ones,
This update has some pretty important information that might be worth looking over... To start with.... The parasite issue. I arrived in Panama last night and was able to get some medicine today which should get rid of anything else that is living inside of me.. I bought
some extra just to be safe. So hopefully my travel buddies and I will be going our
separate ways some time soon. Thank you for all of your cute comments and prayers about all that, a visual that I am sure has been burnt into my mind. Another big piece of news.... I am leaving for
Cartagena, Columbia tomorrow afternoon and will be working with them until the 20
th. I will be helping with ministry on an island near the coast, and it sounds like I will NOT have
internet during my time there, so consider no news to be good news until I get back to Panama. It sounds like there are going to be many opportunities to serve there, I have heard that it is a place with a lot of needs. It has actually been called a "little Africa" by some people I have talked to who have helped there. I am expecting good things to happen during that time. One more big thing..... I am coming home to Minnesota on August 1st. So my time away is coming to an end, but my time in missions is still going on. I have already been in touch with David Clark, the Director of
YWAM Minnesota, and the plan is that I will continue in mission work, but to the Twin Cities. We are going to be talking in more detail about the specifics of it all once I get back, but I have received much confirmation about this next step and am excited to see what happens through it all. The idea is basically to start a
YWAM ministry in the Twin Cities which will create opportunity to allow others to live out their faith while at the same time making an impact in M
inneapolis and Saint Paul. This also means that I need financial support in order to serve with
YWAM, and unfortunately the cost of living is quite higher in Minnesota than it is in 2
nd or 3rd world countries. The truth is... I will need monthly support in order to do this work. So I would appreciate it if you could please add that to your prayers as you continue to support me in this work. Although I have grown, and learned a lot during this time.. I am looking forward to when my travels here
come to an end. Even more so, I am looking forward to getting back home and being with so many people who I love and miss. thank you again for all of your love and support, please keep me in your prayers as I continue in my travels. Peace.