often times the seemingly mundane can provide a great deal of insight


love is not against the law

  I chose a path that not many pursue.  Often times we are faced with opportunities to diverge from the basic routine of our day but less often, I suspect, is this inclination pursued.. if even recognized.  It has been said that restriction leads to discovery... and I would suspect that entering into unknown territory leads to restriction.  The greatest structure is ultimately the one that is designed not to merely restrict, but the one that is designed to produce the greatest amount of harmony and freedom.  As the theory of music can release a potential of complimentary tones and rhythms.... there must also exist a structure that best guides and releases the spirit and will of man.

Restriction leads to discovery.

The right structure produces immense and harmonious freedom.

I follow Jesus.

I submit my life to Him and receive the salvation He has brought through the New Covenant of reconciliation through His blood and sacrifice.  Through Him I walk in harmony with the Father, God, and attempt to bring restoration and a message of Good News to others.

We are all found in the ashes... but from there we have an opportunity for beauty to be found.

To Follow Christ is to accept His atonement, to receive the inheritance that He reconciled to us, to accept a new Spirit of Sonship at harmony with God the Father and Creator... and to abide in Him.

I chose a path that not many pursue.  We are faced with opportunities to diverge from the basic routine of our day... but this inclination is rarely recognized and less often pursued.


girls don't poop... ladies fart

Often times we prefer to believe that which makes our lives more convenient.  Or we would rather not know about the nitty-gritty aspects that are all a part of our human story.

This is an awesome advertisement... but it does remind me of that.

I think too often... especially in the christian sub-culture, we have learned that "girls don't poop" but in other forms.  We can ask someone how they are doing.. and although they are in the midst of a mental breakdown, a relationship problem, a crisis of faith, anger at God, or whatever... the response is normally...


Why do we do that?

Are we afraid of being vulnerable? Do we assume the person asking doesn't really want to know?  Are we worried of coming across as imperfect... or ungrateful?

Probably all those things, and more, at different times.... and sometimes it is wise to save your heart for those you can trust with it.

I challenge that polished porcelain throne of aromatically pleasing lies with this.... Girls do poop.  Missionaries have meltdowns, pastors struggle with lust, your grandma wants to flip off Jesus,  whatever...

As Christ followers, we are all in process of learning what it means to be sons and daughters of the King of Kings and walking out life as a co-heir of Christ... this doesn't mean we just wallow in our own filth.. but as we learn how to live authentic lives, this whole faith thing makes a lot more sense.

ladies fart.